How to make an exfoliating coffee scrub

There’s no need to discard your leftover coffee grounds. You can use them to make a deliciously scented exfoliating body scrub.

The caffeine in the coffee will temporarily tighten your skin and make your skin appear smoother. Whilst the cedarwood oil helps to reduce stress and reduce inflammation, the frankincense can help with detoxification.

Substitute white or brown sugar instead of Epsom salts for a gentler body scrub.




75g/ ½ cup Epsom salts

4 tablespoons coarse sea salt

4 -6 tablespoons used coffee grounds

4 tablespoons sweet almond oil

1–2 drops cedarwood essential oil

1-2 drops frankincense essential oil



In a bowl, mix the salts (or sugar) and coffee grounds. Add the sweet almond oil and essential oils and gently stir until to combine. Store in a glass lidded jar in the refrigerator.


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