Deliciously Raw

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Circle of Life: Reviving Round Plastic Tubs for Everyday Use


After trying lots of different packaging solutions in the Deliciously Raw Deli over the last few years, I now use resealable plastic tubs for a lot of my products. Lighter than glass and with less risk of breaking in the post, all the plant-based and compostable options I’ve tried so far leak air – and everything that dehydrates can rehydrate – so the seals need to be airtight to ensure the products stay fresh.

But there are plenty of ways to give these tubs a second or even third life. This is part of 2 of what you can do with them.

Harness the potential of your containers. You will be amazed at what you can achieve while making a positive impact on the environment.

If you are in the UK and would like to browse the online Deliciously Raw Deli for all the raw goodies I make, you can do that here.

Here are a few more creative ways to use these tubs. Be sure to click through to part 1 for more ideas.

Kids and Parenting

Toy storage and organization for Legos, puzzles, and small toys: Use the round tubs to organize your children's toys by type or size. They can hold Legos, puzzles, action figures, and other small playthings, making them easily accessible and reducing clutter.

Containers for memory boxes, playdough, homemade slime, and sticker storage: Round tubs are perfect for creating memory boxes filled with keepsakes like artwork or notes. They can also be used to store homemade playdough or slime, and organizing stickers for children.

Condiment holders and lunchbox treats for children's lunches: Pack condiments for your child's lunchbox in the round tubs to prevent spills and leaks. You can also use the containers for the occasional treat like fruit salad or raw chocolate.

Party favour boxes and personalized cookie containers for kids' parties: Use the round tubs as unique containers for party favours or personalized cookie boxes at your child's birthday party.

Office and Workspace

Office supply holder for paperclips, drawing pins, and erasers: Keep your workspace organized by storing essential office supplies such as paperclips, drawing pins, and erasers in round tubs. The containers can be placed on your desk or in a drawer for easy access.

Storage for charging cords and small electronics accessories: Use the round tubs to store charging cords and other small electronic accessories like earphones or USB drives. Label each container for efficient organization.

Desk-side trash bins: Use a larger round tub as a makeshift trash bin for your office or workspace. This will help keep your desk clean and free of clutter.

Tools and Hardware

Storage for screws, nails, and hardware in workshops or garages: Use the round tubs to store screws, nails, and other small hardware items in your workshop or garage. They will keep your work area organized and ensure you can quickly find what you need.

Small tool and hardware organizer: the taller 440ml round tubs can be used to hold and organize small tools such as pliers and screwdrivers. A well-organized toolbox makes it easier to find and access the necessary tools for your projects.

Miscellaneous Uses

Coin holder for vending machines and laundromats: Use the round tubs as portable coin holders for trips to vending machines or laundromats. They can easily hold a variety of coin denominations, ensuring you have the correct change when needed.

Coupon organizer: Keep your coupons neatly stored and organized in tubs. This will prevent them from getting lost or damaged and make it easier to locate specific coupons when needed.

Jewellery cleaner container: Fill a round tub with jewellery cleaning solution, and use it to clean your rings, necklaces, and other jewellery items. The lid can be used to seal the container, preventing spills and keeping the solution fresh.


By repurposing strong plastic round tubs with lids, you can declutter your home while reducing your environmental impact. Use these creative ideas as inspiration to turn these ordinary containers into indispensable organizational tools that can be used in various aspects of everyday life.

Be sure to click through to part 1 for more ideas.